"If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." -Albert Einstein
Example Work
Student Essays
For my students' non-fiction unit, they were assigned to write a 5 paragraph essay about a person from the past or present who possessed at least three character traits of a social justice hero. I created this website as a showcase for their unfiltered, authentic writing.
Don't be scared. Social media has played an important role in student/student & student/teacher rapport building! It also aids in engaging students in the classroom and keeping them (and some of their parents) connected and involved. And keeps me in the know! #coolteacher
Classroom Management
Once I discovered this incredible behavior management software, my 5th period of energetic, rowdy students suddenly became more manageable. It really does help "improve behavior, share data, save time, and keep students alert and on-task."